I love having fresh flowers in my house. I wish I could afford to have a beautiful fresh bouquet delivered every week, but alas....that is not going to happen. So, instead I have surgery, and then my wonderful sweet friends bring me beautiful flowers instead....I even got two homemade cards.....LOVE it. If you know me at all, you know I love handmade things.
Thank you so much to all my friends and family for the love and help they have given while I am recovering. I have to say, I'm going a little stir crazy being couped up in the house. Gary and I did go out on Thursday and grabbed some lunch, and because I was dressed and feeling good, I did waaaay to much, and then suffered for it later that night.....back in jammies I went....ugh!!!! Today will be a fun day though, because we are going to an ultrasound place to find out if Rick and Ali are having a boy or a girl, and Heather is going to get a 3-D ultrasound of Brayden. Exciting and fun day ahead.....thank goodness.
I will post later all the details of the ultrasounds....I'm hoping it's a girl for Rick and Ali, but they feel like it's a boy....we'll see here soon.
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