Last Saturday was a fun day. It was a pool party at my sister & brother-in-law's house, and Hayden finally came home from visiting his dad.
My sister Lora....aka LeeLee.
Me & my mommy
Hayden was so happy to see his brothers and sister again. Gary & I were lucky enough to pick him up from the airport and then we brought him to the pool party. Well, we got to the pool party before Rick & Ali and the other kids, so Hayden was waiting patiently to see them.
Here he is going to love Zach. You can see how happy Zach is to see him again too.
Erick telling him a story before the hug.
Haylee was sooooo excited to see him again. Dallas, awkwardly joining in on the hug.
Mommy getting in some lovin.
Trying to get Zach's attention for some love.
We just had a fun time in the pool.....on floatie things....
Here he is going to love Zach. You can see how happy Zach is to see him again too.
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