Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Party at Grandma Suppenbach's

Sunday we all went to my mom's to celebrate Christmas with her. It was so much fun to all be together again. When Erick got there he had to show us how he could ride a two wheeler....and boy does he ever. He hauls butt on that thing.
My mom made Navajo Tacos....which are a family favorite....and oh so delicious. Then we opened presents. Erick started the festivities, and got the movie Happy Feet.
After giving Grandma a thank you hug he went over to Heather, hugged the movie and said, "I've always wanted Happy Feet as a Christmas present". Such a silly kid.
Next was Haylee to open her present. Grandma put on a "special" hat while she opened her gift.
She was so cute opening her present. She sees it, and says, "Oh, it's a skirt....well, actually it's a purse." It was so stinkin cute the way she said actually. I think she likes it.
Giving thank you hugs.
Next up....Hayden. When he got his unopened package he could tell it was a video. He didn't seem too excited, probably thinking what little kid movie will this be.....BUT he got a big surprise. Grandma gave him I Am Legend. He was so excited as you can see. He had it on his Christmas list.
Grandma got an extra big hug for that one.
I thought this picture was typical. Zach needed some "extra" help to open up his present. Zach is in there somewhere helping.
He got a truck. I thought it was so sweet how Erick very lovingly, no rivalry at all....went and showed Zach how it worked. These two boys are so cute together. Erick truly has nothing but LOVE for his little brother.
I absolutely LOVE the arm around the shoulder. Look at how happy Zach is. This is one of my favorite pictures of the whole night.
Zach trying to get to his new toy.

I took it out of the box for him so he could play with it. I think he likes it.
Zach sporting his rendition of a Christmas hat.
Since Erick is such a monkey, he got to wear the monkey hat.
Haylee and Erick in their hats.
Heather got in on the hat action. After all.....Heather and Haylee are BFF's.
I had to get some cuddles in myself.
Can't leave out Grandpa.
Wow!!! Hayden is getting so grown up.
Grandpa wanted a picture with the grandkids.
Zach was not cooperating.

It's so hard to believe that our kids are all grown up. You'll notice that I am the shortest in the group.
Jeff & Nicole.....& Lucy.
The Thompson Family
Me and my sisiter Lora. She's looking good, she's lost a bunch of weight and I'm jealous.
Mom, Lora, and me.

We sure had a fun time mom. Thanks for the wonderful evening, the yummy food, and most of all unconditional love.

0 thoughts to ponder from those I care about: