Tuesday, August 19, 2008

In-n-Out Picnic

Most people reading this blog know that I have 4 children that work for In-n-Out. They take good care of their associates {employees} and every year during summer they have a company picnic. They get to take a guest with them. Trevor took me, Amy took Hayden, and Heather took Emily. Jeff, of course, took his beautiful wife Nicole. We had a great time together. It was at Wild Rivers in Irvine with SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much food there.....oh my gosh........talk about gluttony!!!!!!! Because it was a water park, Heather, Amy and Hayden had to "lather" up with sunscreen.....gotta love those UV rays. Then off to the picnic for food. Did I mention there was a TON of food????? Oh my goodness. They had a ton of In-n-Out trailers there. We first had chili dogs, then we had an In-n-Out burger....of course....then there was brownies, and cookies, and fruit,and corn on the cob, and ice-cream, and more brownies, and ice-cream, and then we ended with another In-n-Out burger.....well, ok, I might have exaggerated just a bit there, we really didn't eat all that food....we only had the brownies once..... ha ha ha. It was all the food you could eat. Crazy!!!!
Jeff & Nicole
Amy & Heather
Group photo....all of us
Trevor and me
Jeff and me
Nicole and me
Hayden and me
Enjoying our "first" burger....hee hee
Amy & Trevor went protein style....no bun.
Emily with her chili dog.
Jeff, Nicole, Trevor and I didn't go into the water park. When the others left to go to Wild Rivers, we went off and just hung out. When we were getting ready to leave, Jeff spotted a horseshoe game and wanted to play with Trevor. So, they did. When Trevor threw one of the "heavy and rusty" horseshoes, it took a hop and hit Jeff right on the bone of his leg. It caused a nasty cut, and bled pretty good. We had to take him to the first aid station.....He was the only one that had first aid that day....lucky us!!!
Kinda killed the moment, so when Jeff was feeling better, we left. He has to go to the doctors today and get a tetanus shot. I know he's gonna hate that. But really, all in all, it was a GREAT TIME!!!!!
Thanks Trevor for taking me along.

3 thoughts to ponder from those I care about:

Cory CL said...

Okay so the first picture of Hayden is crazy! He looks like a little man, not the boy I remember!!! Crazy cute!
PS Oh, and you don't know how much I'm craving InNOut now...thank you for that!

Mirna said...

ouch! That really hurts when you get it in the shins! Hope it's better soon. Looked like you all have really had a fun summer!
That's what summer is for. Mom

Mary said...

You have a beautiful family!